Everything Hertz

91: Shifting the goalposts in statistics (with Kristin Sainani)



We chat with Kristin Sainani (Stanford University) about a popular statistical method in sports medicine research (magnitude based inference), which has been banned by some journals, but continues to thrive in some pockets of scholarship. We also discuss the role of statistical inference in the current replication crisis. Links and info * What is magnitude based inference and how did Kristin get involved in this? * The response to Kristin’s critiques * This is really an issue of small sample sizes * Kristin’s Coursera course (https://coursera.org/learn/sciwrite) on scientific writing * The readability of scientific articles is decreasing (https://elifesciences.org/articles/27725) * The role of statistical inference in the replication crisis * Kristin has changed her mind about… Twitter * Dan made international news by posting a picture of a bird on Twitter (https://twitter.com/dsquintana/status/1163083819605475328) * Kristin recommends this paper: P values are just the tip of the iceberg (https://www.nature