
Crime and Punishment



===This week we released 3 episodes to celebrate our site launch ==== We took a look and the ways we punish those who commit "crimes". is it the system? is it society? are we bringing the guillotine down on ourselves ? or is there something more sinister at work? do you think robots sporting white wigs is the answer? come listen to us toss around some ideas see what we come up with.. // SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW our show- to help “This is 1980something” reach more ears…We can’t tell you how much we appreciate you listening!! Check out our website for more about us and extra content from this and all our episodes. find and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!! //www.1980-something.com // // www.facebook.com/Thisis1980something // //www.instagram.com/ _1980something // //www.twitter.com/_1980something //