Wine Talk With Stu The Wine Guru

Alan Parsons as part of the Music Meets Wine Series Joins Stu tonite on his show



Alan Parsons at an early age was a recording engineer for the Beatles, then became a saught after Engineer working with Pink Floyd. He broke out on his own to create The Alan Parsons Project with many hit albums, and now in addition to creating great music he also teaches how to be a recording engineer as well. As part of the "Music Meets Wine Series" Alan joins Stu on the show tonite to discuss his music career past and present and love of wine. Call 646-381-4860 and be part of something big!Check Stu's webpage for upcoming guests at Follow Stu The Wine Guru on Twitter, just type in: stuthewineguru and tweet Stu. Have a wine question for Stu or his guest? email it to him at, or Tweet it to @stuthewineguru, or call into the show at 1-646-381-4860 and join in something big