Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large™ - Just Get Started



Leading Life Large - I have been working for this one company for the past eight weeks or so.  I've gotten to know the team pretty well and am able to take greater risks with them as we have some trust established between us. They have been hearing from me the past few weeks a mantra and a challenge that I promise to deliver each time I see them until my time there is done. I state "Each of you has something in your life that you want that you currently do not have" and then I ask "...and what are you going to do about it?"  Many of them, though moved and somewhat determined, will allow our time to pass and will never take the first step to getting what they want.  I was reminded by a  good friend this weekend that getting started is the hardest part. Tune in and let's get started together.