Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large™ - Get Involved Beyond Your Life



Click on this link to find out who this cool looking kid is and find out how I'm choosing to get involved. Leading Life Large™ - It's pretty easy to be uninvolved, and for right reasons. Life is full. Life is busy. Life is stressful and flat out overwhelming at times. All great reasons for choosing not to take more time out of your life (creating more stress) to get involved with another project or cause - you are your own greatest cause right now, right? True and...this also keeps us trapped in our busy and stressful lives, lives that ultimately lack purpose. I believe that we can look beyond ourselves for a moment, when we choose to. I believe that getting involved in something bigger than ourselves and our own busy, chaotic lives adds a necessary perspective to our lives. I believe that getting involved adds purpose to our lives and helps us to feel good about ourselves for our contributions. Cool thing is that it actually adds rather than takes away from us