Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large™- Learn to Love 'Discipline'



Leading Life Large™ - You and I have set and intend to meet many goals this year. It's that time of year...early January, our goals and resolutions are still fresh in our minds, we're into our second week of hitting the gym, or setting aside time for writing and already distractions are beginning to get in the way and sidetrack us. We're not derailed yet, but if we don't have a plan in place and stick to that plan, we are going to be on that familiar side of having failed yet another goal or let pass by another worthwhile element to our business or life. On the other hand, if I exercised some discipline, I would have a new story to tell. It's not too late! Tune in and I'll share with you how to keep on track and learn love Discipline.