Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large™ - Gratitude...In Support of the 'Irvine 125'



Leading Life Large™ - As unpopular as it might sound this is a common time of year for companies to evaluate their gains and losses for the year and decide to restructure, cut costs and let people go. Layoffs in December are pretty common and for those of us outside the company, they can seem pretty harsh because the end of the year coincides with the holidays. This past week, a large company in Irvine laid off nearly 200 people, most of whom I had trained over some months. It is a good company with great people trying to 'right' itself. I am choosing to dedicate this morning's show to that great group of people in Irvine in hopes of offering some support as they make the transition. The show will serve us all to be completely grateful for exactly what has been delivered to us.