Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Jessica Rhodes: Founder of Interview Connections, the first and leading podcast booking agency – 113



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm honored to bring you Founder of Interview Connections, the first and leading podcast booking agency, Jessica Rhodes. Together with her business partner, Jessica has quickly scaled Interview Connections to high multiple six figures, with nearly no direct marketing or ads, and will break through the 7-figure mark in 2019. I love this! Today we dig into: How Jessica started her podcasting business as a behind-the-scenes virtual assistant Maneuvering breakdown and breakthroughs in business The most important thing that Jessica did that helped take her business into seven figures Learning what types of entrepreneurs should start leveraging podcasts as part of their marketing strategy The best tactics and strategy in growing your downloads and listeners if you do have a podcast The Interview Connections team of Booking Agents are the podcast powerhouses behind many of the record-breaking book launches you’ve seen today, with clients such as Ali Brown, JJ Virgin,