Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Lisa Cutter – Colorado State Representative – 112



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm honored to bring you Colorado State Representative, Lisa Cutter. In 2018, a record number of women ran in house and senate races across our nation: A total of 256 women… 197 Democrats and 59 Republican. AND A record number of women won their races, and as we look forward to the 2020 presidential elections – currently, there are six women stepping up to the podium claiming their desire to be president… That makes me excited. I was honored that my newly elected representative to the Colorado House, Lisa Cutter joined us at my Extraordinary Women Connect gala in May – and I’m thrilled to have her join us today on Extraordinary Women Radio. “I was in a position to help change the world, and if I didn’t use that, what kind of a role model or what kind of demonstration would I be? For that also was really a driver for me.” – Lisa Cutter No matter your party affiliation, If you are being called to make a difference in your communities, in your state, our nation, our world –