Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Diana Whitney: Leading Figure in the Fields of Appreciative Inquiry and Large Scale Change and Author of Thriving Women, Thriving World – 111



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm honored to bring you Dr. Diana Whitney, a leading figure in the fields of Appreciative Inquiry and large scale change management. Diana recently launched her newest book Thriving Women, Thriving World: An Invitation to Dialogue, Healing and Inspired Actions, of which I was honored to contribute a short essay called, Circle of Women. I met Diana 10 years ago, when I working on my Certificate of Practice in Appreciative Inquiry – a positive psychology change management process – that I incorporate into all of my coaching programs, workshops, conferences and retreats. I love this model of working with the strengths of who we are – and building upon what is possible. Diana has been at the forefront of positive change theory and practice in the USA and world wide for three decades,  and it was such an honor to have her as a teacher/mentor, alongside Amanda Trosten Bloom – another one of my mentors in the Appreciative Inquiry field. Diana founded the international consul