Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Manouschka Guerrier, Chef at Food Network and Karen Hertz, the Founder and Chief Brewista of Holidaily Brewery – 108



I am excited to introduce two extraordinary women to you today on this episode of Extraordinary Women Radio,  Manouschka Guerrier, Chef at Food Network and Karen Hertz, the Founder and Chief Brewista of Holidaily Brewery. This interview was a fun one! We did it at the Holidaily Brewery in Golden, CO with a flight of beers in front of us! And how this came about was equally as fun! I belong to a secret Facebook group of about 20,000 women called the FEMPS… you have to get invited to this group by someone already in the group… and it is therefore, the most extraordinary group of women! Last month, there was a post from Manouschka Guerrier.  Hey Femps I’m heading to Colorado May 25th for about 10 days shooting my docuseries #FaceReality & looking to interview women in the cannabis, brewery & food industry. Anyone down to meet & share your story or know anyone in these industries to link me up with? Well, anyone who knows me, knows I’m a connector – and so within minutes I had connected Manouschka up with hal