Neurology® Podcast

November 26 2013 Issue



1) Temporal trends in new exposure to antiepileptic drug monotherapy and suicide-related behavior and 2) Topic of the month: Area of functional symptoms and conversion disorder. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Matt Wong interviews Dr. Mary Jo Pugh about her paper on temporal trends in new exposure to antiepileptic drug monotherapy and suicide-related behavior. Dr. Roy Strowd is reading our e-Pearl of the week about Garcin syndrome. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Shanna Patterson interviews Dr. Jon Stone about treatment of functional neurologic symptoms. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Pugh, Strowd and Stone.Dr. Pugh serves as an associate editor of BMC Health Services Research and BMC Geriatrics; serves on the scientific advisory board of the Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy; receives research support from the Veterans A