Solutions On Demand

Show GIP.002 - Do You Know What The Job Really Is Before Hiring?



HR Series: Quit Making the Labor Crunch Worse Show GIP.002 Do You Know What The Job Really Is Before Hiring? Topics: Core Processes: Has the company mapped the core processes to ensure a position or role is linked? Key Responsibilities: Based on an organizational chart, has the company assembled job descriptions from process maps? Knowledge, Skill Requirements, and Certifications: Based on job descriptions, has the company determined the minimal level of knowledge, skills, and certifications required for employment? Although we are using industry experts from landscaping, Show 2 applies to all small businesses. It is the second in our series on "Quit Making the Labor Crunch Worse", with Gregg Wartgow of Green Industry Pros and Steven Cohen of GreenMark Consulting Group. They discuss all of the pre-work required to find the right people. They define right people as individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and certifications required to perform - in HR terms eligibility. Then they cover the issu