#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

4 Red Flags You Are Being Scammed By A Healer



When it comes to the world of metaphysics, there is a lot of confusion, especially when it comes to finding someone you can trust. Have you every been: Approached by a random psychic or healer?Left feeling fearful after an encounter with a psychic or healer?Told you have a curse or negative energy around you?Or just leary and left wondering, should I be worried? There are a lot of healers, psychics, and metaphysical practitioners out there, and I mean A LOT! But just because someone "says" they can see things, hear things, or heal, does not make that person legit. It doesn't even mean they have any gifts or abilities at all!  But here's the kicker...even if a person does have a gift of working with healing energy, and the spiritual realm, it does not mean they are of high vibration or even have good intentions. I get a lot of questions and emails about healers which turn out not to be so good. So I decided I wanted to give you some valuable information that will help you to determine a healers intentions on