#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

4 Facts About Spiritual Development You Should Know



Everyone thinks it's going to be so great with they develop themselves spiritually. They think they will feel balanced and experience a zen environment. It's exciting! You want to leave the chaotic nature of everyday life behind... But it's not exactly zen, roses, and calmness. In fact it often shocks people when they don't like what they are feeling. Then they begin to think: "This is a lot harder than it seems.""Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Am I not doing this right?""There's obviously more to this that I'm not getting.""Why is everyone being so mean?" People are really caught off guard as they begin this journey, so I've put together a list and today we are going to discuss this list on the show. So if you are interested in spiritual development, or you are already beginning that journey, you do not want to miss this :)