#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

8 Tips For Dealing With “Energy Vampires”



I am sure that you have heard the term “energy vampires” before, especially if you are at all interested in psychic ability or psychic development. So what exactly are energy vampires? They are not real vampires, well, I guess they are real vampires, but not like the ones you see in Twilight…energy vampires go after your spiritual body. “Energy vampires” are people who constantly draw on other people’s energy to help charge their own system.  There are certain things you need to do when dealing with “energy vampires” in order to help minimize the affect they will have on your life. Join me and my cohost Debbie Friedrich creator of www.ilovebloomies.com as we discuss what the 8 tips for dealing with energy vampires! Read article here: 8 Tips For Dealing With “Energy Vampires” & Negative People