#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Girls Night Out & Relationships



Why is it that so many relationships nowadays seem so complicated? I think it's actually very simple; it comes down to different levels of commitment. Years ago, people dated - they dated to find a person that they would like to marry. Now people date for companionship, love, money and sex! That's right, I said it and you know it's true. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) Yes, it is time for another "Girls Night Out" with me and my cohost Debbie Friedrich of http://www.ilovebloomies.com. We are going to help you navigate through your most difficut relationship problems and questions. However, as much as we love girl power, know that we will tell you the truth! (Even if he's just not that into you). So join us for some fun and give us a call! Oh ya, I wouldn't forget your freebie this week Inspirational Quotes check it out! Based on Jennifer's article Relationships It’s Complicated!