Bedford & Sullivan Brooklyn

Ep. 32 - Brooklyn Street Names With Borough Historian Ron Schweiger



Though it is a cliche to say, the year has gone flying by. We've reached the tailend of November, and for Bedford & Sullivan's last podcast of the month, we bring on a regular of the program, Brooklyn Borough Historian Ron Schweiger. On this episode, Ron and I will dive into where some of the streets of Brooklyn get their names from. Whether it's Heap Street in Williamsburg or the Avenue of Nostrand that runs throughout the borough, Ron will give us some background on how they came to be named. We will also talk about the great movie palaces that once inhabited Brooklyn, including the Loews Kings Theatre near Ebbets Field on Flatbush, which is currently undergoing a $90 million restoration. So, join us at 6:30PM ET for the latest edition of the Bedford & Sullivan podcast!