God Conversations With Tania Harris

(04) I Don’t Hear from God Like You Do (Part 2)



Hearing God’s voice is easy when we rely on God’s ability to speak rather than our ability to hear. Think about it. God is an expert communicator. He has all of heaven’s and earth’s resources at his disposal. He can and does use a whole host of creative techniques to get his messages through and he is totally committed to doing so because of his intense desire for intimate relationship with us. (Listen to Part 1 of I Don't Hear God Like You Do).   So what makes it difficult? What makes the vast majority of Christians struggle in this area? This is not a once-all answer by any means, but I would like to suggest that the biggest reason many of us find hearing from God difficult is because of the response God requires from us when we hear his voice. It’s not difficult to hear from God, what’s difficult is doing what he says. But I thought God’s words were spirit and they were life? That they are light to our feet, a lamp to our path? They are food to our souls such that we can’t live without them? So why