Truth Seekers

Curtis Childs shares the visions of Emanuel Swedenborg



Curtis Childs is the host and producer of the weekly program Swedenborg and Life on the offthelefteye, which has accumulated more than 7.5 million views and nearly 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. Curtis has appeared on numerous spirituality-themed talk shows and has had his content featured on the Dr. Oz show. He works with his team at the non-profit Swedenborg Foundation to create simple, effective inquiries into life’s biggest questions. He’s appeared on many international radio shows, podcasts, and YouTube shows, such as Talk Gnosis, Sunday Morning Spiritual, The Butterfly Moment, Dark Thirty Radio, We Don’t Die Radio, and much more! We will be discussing the visions of Emanuel Swedenborg, and how they relate to the afterlife, angels, getting to know your true self, and understanding our relationship to heaven. Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, and mystic who lived in the late 1600s.