The Jazzy Vegetarian

Becoming Vegan



Today Laura Theodore, the Jazzy Vegetarian welcomes Brenda Davis, a registered dietitian, who is a leader in her field, an internationally acclaimed speaker and co-author of Becoming Vegan: Express Edition. In addition, Laura will chat about and share holiday recipes with Zel Allen who is author of Vegan for the Holidays, a cookbook that makes the holidays just a little tastier. Laura is celebrating the release of her new book Jazzy Vegetarian Classics: Vegan Twists on American Family Favorites and Jazzy Vegetarian, Season 3, airs on the CREATE channel all across the country! Brenda Davis, is a registered dietitian who has worked as a public health nutritionist, clinical nutrition specialist, nutrition consultant and academic nutrition instructor. Brenda is co-author of eight books including Becoming Vegan: Express Edition,Becoming Vegetarian,the Raw Food Revolution Diet and more. Zel Allen is author of Vegan for the Holidays, and along with her husband, Zel co-publishes Vegetarians in Paradise, a friendly on