Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

AsktheTrucker "Live' Open Forum-ELD Exemptions and Federal Authority Provisions



AsktheTrucker "Live' Open Forum-ELD Exemptions and Federal Authority Provisions Saturday June 2nd 6PM EST Call in 347-826-9170 The discussions continue as truckers move full steam ahead addressing the 2 most pressing issues in the industry today. ELD mandate and the Federal Authority trucker wage provision. The ELD Mandate Exemptions H.R. 5948 H.R.5948 - To exempt motor carriers that own or operate 10 or fewer commercial vehicles from the electronic logging device mandates, and for other purposes The Anti-Trucker Wage legislation to be voted on in the Senate this month. The Federal Authority provision known as the Denham Amendment or F4A , which if passed in the 2018 FAA Reauthorization bill and THUD bill ( they are currently in both House versions), would minimize and limit trucker wages by way of a New Federal Law