Jon Hansen (pi Window On The World)

The Fruit of The Poisonous NIGP Code Tree



"I am really sorry Rick, but there is something seriously amiss. Similar to when baseball had to seek it’s first commissioner following the 1919 Black Sox scandal, I fear that when it comes to the guardianship of the NIGP Code the procurement world desperately needs its version of a Kenesaw Mountain Landis." In this commentary on a rapidly developing story regarding the stewardship of the NIGP commodity/Services Code - which is an important universal codingsystem in the the public sector - I lay out the reasons why neither Periscope, or for that matter even the NIGP, should be overseeing its licensing, and how it's administration through an unbiased third party is necessary.  You can follow this story using the Twitter Hashtag #missbid NOTE: You can listen to my other audio posts and commentaries through @umanoapp