Jon Hansen (pi Window On The World)

Syndicated Commerce: Deem Takes “Smart” B2B Purchasing To The Next Level



Outside of an article written over a year ago by Phil Wainewright titled Quietly reinventing B2B commerce, recent coverage regarding the re-emergence of Deem has been somewhat pedestrian, being limited by outdated reference points. Statements such as “Deem Spend is not a new product,” or comparing it to the “rebranding of one of the great names of the past, CommerceOne,” does little to elevate the platform’s true genius, let alone creditability. While Deem’s lineage is long and diverse, based on the Wainewright article “not new” and “re-branded” are not the words that immediately come to my mind.  Deem’s solution is not the reworking of an old idea, as much as it is the realization of a long held vision of what might be possible, becoming possible. Joining me today to talk about the importance of leaving the past and embracing the future is Deem's Vice President, Product Management, Procurement Roger Blumberg.