Jon Hansen (pi Window On The World)

The Xchanging - MM4 Acquisition: One Year Later



The last time I spoke with MM4 Founder and CEO Dave Bowen was a year ago not long after his company was acquired by Xchanging. During that interview, in which I referenced my Procurement Insights September20th post "Is the acquisition cup half full or half empty: A tale of two takeovers!", I talked about why the majority of M&A's fail to deliver the expected results and, why I thought that the Xchanging-MM4 deal would be the exception. A couple of months later, I reported to you that the Xchanging-MM4 acquisition was already paying dividends when Xchanging was able to land a contract with utility company Severn Trent Services. So here we are a year later, and while there have been some inevitable changes, the real question is simply this - is this relationship still paying the expected dividends? Joining me today to talk about the Xchanging-MM4 M&A one year later is Dave Bowen, CEO of MM4 who is now also the Managing Director of Procurement Services, Xchanging Americas.