Jon Hansen (pi Window On The World)

The Sourcing Maturity Model and Indirect Spend



Has many of you already know, my research into the area of managing indirect spend through the development of an Internet platform structured around an agent-based as opposed to equation-based model was funded by the government’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development program back in the late 90s. The results of that research led to my launch of the Procurement Insights blog in May 2007 as well as numerous articles and white papers including Acres of Diamonds: The Value of Managing Low-Dollar, High Transactional Volume Spend.  The Acres paper is now for the first time available to the general public. Within the context of this past (and present) area of focus, I am very much looking forward to my conversation today with Xchanging’s Kaushik Dasbiswas regarding his company’s latest white paper “Unlocking value from indirect spend through a sourcing maturity model.”