Passive Real Estate Investing

Passive Income from Tax Lien Certificates | PREI 105



Investing in tax lien certificates is an alternative way to include real estate in your portfolio, at least another source of income. When a homeowner falls behind on their property taxes, the county or municipality where the property is located can place a tax lien against the property. A tax lien certificate is issued usually by the tax assessor's office, verifying that there is a lien in place and the amount of taxes owed on that property by the current owner. According to the National Tax Lean Association, an amazing estimated $14 billion in property taxes goes unpaid each year. This is a pretty broad market for investors that most people don't understand. Ted Thomas explains how you can diversify a little and generate some extra cash using these tax lien certificates. Ted is a Florida-based educator, publisher and author of more than 30 books. His home study materials are international best sellers and draw clients from as far as Europe and South America. Find out how you can earn and make more money thr