Passive Real Estate Investing

Evolution of the Real Estate Investor | PREI099



As a twenty-year veteran in the finance industry, Aaron has developed this concept of the evolution of the real estate investor. You can imagine it as an hierarchical structure or similar to what you might find in an organizational chart with a company. Aaron explains that it is an evolution where you start out working with real estate investors who spend money by investing in real estate, who then evolve to a position as a business owner in possession of several properties, to being a chief operations officer and having within their organization people that are going to work with new investors to market the properties and find more. He shares that understanding each level of this evolutionary structure will help make the team become more efficient in doing their particular tasks and also enable them to work in harmony with the other levels. — I wanted to do something a little different. I’m bringing on a good friend and one of our preferred mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders, Aaron Chapm