Passive Real Estate Investing

Investing in Houston, Texas (and Hurricane Harvey) | PREI 093



Welcome back to another episode where we’re going to talk about the Houston, Texas market. One thing that we’ve been getting asked a little bit about recently is the effects of Hurricane Harvey. As you know, Hurricane Harvey ripped through the Caribbean and beat up some of the islands down there and hit the coast pretty hard. However, the good news is that there was no bad news. We haven’t heard from any one of our clients that had invested in the Houston market reporting any kind of flooding or damage. That’s a good thing. There’s really one key reason why that was, and we’re going to talk about that today with my guest, Bryan. Houston is an interesting city. We’ve been there for many, many years. We’ve had a lot of happy clients and success there because it’s such an incredibly diverse and progressive city. It’s the nation’s fourth largest city, growing fast. It’s known as the city of infinite possibilities. It’s quickly approaching six million residents, that’s more than 32 states and it just continues to