Passive Real Estate Investing

Passive Income with Syndications – Mauricio Rauld | PREI 092



Robert Kiyosaki once said, “Finding good partners is the key to success in anything: in business, in marriage and especially in investing.” On this show, we talk a lot about passive income and passive investments and how to create wealth through those vehicles, especially real estate. What about partnerships or syndications? Today, I want to explore the world of investment partnerships, they’re also known as syndications, and how you can potentially participate and profit from them as well. What is a syndication? In its simplest form, a syndication is just a pooling of investor money where the investor is typically a passive limited partner. The other partner to the deal is really a general partner or an active partner. That’s the person that puts the deal together. They manage the business plan. They provide the return and the benefits to all investors. You’ll hear general partner or GP often. They’re also referred to as the syndicate or the sponsor. These terms are used interchangeably. At the end of the da