Passive Real Estate Investing

Investing in Memphis and Our Upcoming Property Tour | PREI 089



I want to just say thanks for your patience. I've been away for about eight weeks. I haven't done an episode in almost two months. The reason for that is because I've been traveling extensively here for actually the whole year but mostly throughout the summer. I spent about two and a half weeks traveling through Italy and up to Paris. That was a family vacation. The rest has been all business related. I've been traveling everywhere from Kansas City to Dallas to China. I actually just got back from Shanghai, which was just an amazing trip. I might talk a little bit more about that in my next episode because it's quite fascinating what is going on in terms of investment capital and foreign investment in the US. Aside from that, I plan to get back on a weekly recording schedule here as best as I can. I still have a lot of travel coming up here over the course of this month and the rest of the year. I'll do my best to continue to deliver content and bring on some great guests. In the meantime, I want to announce