Passive Real Estate Investing

The Real Estate Investor Ladder of Success – Trevor McGregor | PREI 076



Today, we have a very special show. It is not specifically about real estate per se, but it is tied to real estate investing, the psychology of it, and how you can be more successful in your real estate investing. I brought on someone who I truly admire, who I met back in Denver about three or four weeks ago. We were both speaking at an event, Joe Fairless’ Best Ever Real Estate Investing Conference. I was really impressed by Trevor McGregor, who is a Master Coach. Trevor has completed well over 10,000 coaching hours. He’s worked with hundreds of clients from around the world to achieve success and fulfillment, including Fortune 500 executives, entrepreneurs, real estate investors and world class professionals. His mission is to assist others to achieve better health and more wealth and freedom and contribution than they ever thought possible. This really resonated with me. If you missed our last episode, be sure to listen to Understanding Neighborhood Trends and Forecasting Property Values. Enjoy the show! –