Passive Real Estate Investing

My Father’s Passing, Best Way to Get Started, Due on Sale, IRA Exit Strategy | PREI 033



After having been forced to take a little time away from recording new episodes, I am back to pick up where I left off. On this episode I take a moment to reflect on how real estate has provided me with the TIME freedom to spend with my father who has been saddled to a hospital bed for over seven (7) months up until his unfortunate passing early this month. I also address three listener questions on the best way to get started in real estate investing. Another question about a lender’s ability to accelerate a loan using the “Due on Sale” clause — and how to avoid it. And finally an interesting question about an IRA exit strategy when turning 70 1/2 and you are required to make the minimum required disbursements (MRD). If you missed our last episode, be sure to listen to Rich Dad Advisor, Tom Wheelwright on Tax-Free Wealth. Enjoy the show! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Download your FREE copy of: The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing. Get your FREE coffee mug by leaving us a Rating and Review on iT