Passive Real Estate Investing

13 Things Successful People Do Differently | PREI 031



I want to take a moment to wish all of you and your families a very Happy New Year! We hope that 2016 is full of joy and prosperity. The beginning of a new year lets us revisit and refine our investing goals. And, as you know, our focus here is to educate, motivate and empower you to become better real estate investors. We have big plans and goals for 2016, and we can’t wait to share them with you. What goals have you set for yourself in the coming year? What do you want to accomplish? What habits do you want to change? It should be no surprise that successful people had to do things differently to get to where they got. They worked hard, made good decisions, stayed motivated and focused on what was important to them. That will be you if you believe in yourself. Here are some things successful people did that you can do as well to achieve your goals. If you missed our last episode, be sure to listen to Pros and Cons of “Active” Real Estate Investing with Mike Hambright. Enjoy the show! – – – – – – – – – – – –