Passive Real Estate Investing

Ask Marco – Making the Leap, Due Diligence, The First Step | PREI 019



In this episode of “Ask Marco” we answer some listener questions. Here is the actual email text: Hello Marco, I’m looking to purchase my first investment property sooner rather than later. I’ve been reading tons of books, blogs, and and listening to podcasts incessantly for the past couple of months, including the Passive Real Estate Investing Podcast (which is a great podcast. Thank you!) I live in NYC which has way too high an entrance cost into the market. Having lived in Portland Or for 9 years, I know the areas and market. It has a much lower entrance cost than NYC. But, I feel it’s kind of at the top end of a boom and I would still need to save for about a year for down payment money. Being a fan of your podcast I decided to look into Norada and was kind of blown away at how accessible rental properties are in other markets. I got excited at the prospect of being able to acquire multiple properties within a year. So, I guess my first question is addressing my lack of knowledge about these cities. I kno