Passive Real Estate Investing

Passive Income Investing in Mortgage Notes | PREI 012



In this episode we talk to David Campbell, the founder and Hassle Free Cash Flow Investing.  He started investing in real estate part-time while he was working as a full time high school band director with zero net worth.  Within six years and before the age of 30, David had become a financially independent millionaire through the vehicle of part-time real estate investing.  David has been involved with new home construction, land development, commercial real estate and has been focused as a professional mortgage note investor for over a decade. You will learn: How to make money as the bank by acquiring an income producing mortgage note secured by quality real estate. Why now is the best time in the market cycle to acquire a mortgage note. How to buy a mortgage note to create a portfolio of tax-free and tax-deferred passive income for life. Why the most savvy investors are buying real estate outside of their IRA and buying mortgage notes inside their IRA but usually not the other way around.   Get your FREE