Passive Real Estate Investing

Passive Investing in Syndicated Deals | Everything You Need To Know – Joe Fairless | PREI 009



  Passive investing in syndicated deals gives beginning real estate investors opportunities they used to only dream about. We all have to start somewhere, but some of us start with far less capital than others. Syndicated deals can give beginning investors the chance to break into the crowded real estate market. Passive Investing in Syndicated Deals: Getting the Best Deals for Your Money In this article: The Basics of Syndicated Deals What a Successful Real Estate Executive Says Getting to Know Joe Fairless How Joe Fairless Started His Career in Real Estate Jumping into Syndicated Deals Syndicated Deals: What are They? Why Comparative Real Estate Market Analysis is Important How to Find and Close Syndicated Deals Syndicated Deals: What to Watch Out For Pros and Cons of Syndicated Deals Other Ways of Finding Syndicated Deals Residential Investment Properties vs. Syndicated Deals Reading Up on Real Estate The Basics of Syndicated Deals In this episode, we explore syndicated deals and how they com