Passive Real Estate Investing

5 Strategies to Benefit from Inflation | PREI 008



Inflation normally results from government policies which create inflationary pressures.  The result of inflation can be best described as more money chasing fewer resources.  The sad reality is that for most people inflation truly is detrimental and a silent theft. Real estate investors are in a unique situation whereby they actually benefit from inflation.  The only ‘hedge’ against inflation that we are aware of that works consistently over time, in any market, and any economy is real estate.  But how? When you understand what inflation is, and how it benefits you as a real estate investor, you will want to build your real estate portfolio to take advantage of these powerful wealth building concepts. In this episode we explore inflation and why it’s your friend.  We also give you five (5) simple strategies to benefit from inflation in any market. We also take a look at another turnkey investment property available in our Deal of the Day segment. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Download your FREE copy of: The Ul