Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

15 – Your Best Friend is Happy When You Are Happy | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. Ignorance, Avidya, is discussed from the viewpoint of Yogacara Buddhist philosophy, Yoga Philosophy, and Vedanta. In Vedanta, there is no evil, there is only error. The solution to the obstacles that we face when we take to spiritual life is sticking to one ideal of practice, Abhyasa, and dispassion, Vairagya. Four fundamental relations regulate external contact. Maitri is being friendly with those who are happy when you make progress in spiritual life. Karuna means being compassionate towards those are trying to make progress but are struggling. Mudhita means genuinely admiring the virtues of virtuous people. Upeksha means filtering out and remaining indifferent to ideas and influences that may take us off track. Verses: II.4, II.30, II.31, II.32, II.33