Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

19 – Transcending Fear and Obsessions | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. The lecture begins with a review of the three common types of Kleshas: Raga, obsessive attachment, Dvesa, obsessive hatred, and Abhinivesa, fear. Through the tracks of Vrittis and Samskaras, we travel back to memories of fear, hatred, or attachment. Real happiness comes when we reach transcendental joy or blissfulness. This link to transcendental joy is illustrated in the Katha Upanishad by the three boons Nachiketa asks of Yama. He evolves from asking for satisfaction in the world, then heavenly satisfaction after death, and finally for the truth about his own nature and of all reality. This highest transcendental thought will take us beyond fear and obsession. Verses: II.3, II.7, II.8, II.9