Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

20 – Countering Negativity | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. The lecture begins by pointing out the trap of Raga, Dvesa, and Abhinivesa that we are in. In order to counter this self-defeating negativity, Patanjali recommends Pratiprasava, counter-evolution. When we are able to track the cause of our hatred, obsessive attachment, or fear back to experiences in this life or previous lives, immediately we start becoming free from it. For spiritual seekers, surrender to our inmost transcendental nature by opening the heart in prayer or spiritual practices is the most powerful method. Our negativity and cynicism may try to stop us from doing it, but if we take the first step, the mind itself will evolve and the next step becomes clear. Do not try to get the whole roadmap before starting the spiritual journey, you yourself will evolve on the journey. Verses: II.8, II.9, II.10