Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

40 – The Natural Consequences of Perfection in Yamas | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. Nonviolence can be practiced at three different levels. At the highest level of all ethical disciplines, they become a natural characteristic. The words of a person perfected in truthfulness, Satya, have great potency. When a person has perfected lack of theft, Asteya, all jewels come to him. In order to progress, these temptations must be renounced by connecting to a higher ideal. A person established in continence, Brahmacharya, gains higher powers. If you are established in non-covetousness, you are able to see to the bottom of your mental lake and into your past. Perfection in physical cleanliness, Saucha, leads to detachment from physicality. Verses: II.35, II.36, II. 37, II.38, II.39, II.40