Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

79 – Highest Dispassion: Going Beyond the Three Gunas | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. This lecture beings with a review of Vashikara Vairagya, the first stage of dispassion. The higher vairagya, Para-Vairagya, means going beyond the influence of the three Gunas. The commentators have explained that Pratiprasava, involution, is the process by which these tendencies get dissolved into their causes. At the highest stage, even the desire for Viveka-Khyati, discerning wisdom, is transcended. With concentration, we become filled with Prajna, transcendental insight into the true nature of everything. Examples are given from the life of Sri Shankaracharya. Verses: I.15, I.16, I.17.