Yoga Sutras And The World Of Human Mind

99 – Dehypnotization: Reverse Evolution | Patanjali Yoga Sutras | Swami Tattwamayananda



Lecture by Swami Tattwamayananda. Shabda, Artha, Jnana, sound, meaning, and knowledge are still mixed up in Savitarka-Samadhi. At Nirvitarka-Samadhi, the three are no longer mixed, only the resulting knowledge remains and therefore there are no more conflicting thoughts. Prakriti is the source of material evolution in Sankhya philosophy. All of the created things in the mind can be taken back to their unmanifest form in Prakriti. A Yogi withdraws his identification with different evolutes of material nature. It is a process of dehypnotization. By withdrawal of the senses, we reverse evolution. At this stage of meditation, the seeds of past actions still exist, Sabhija, but they do not trouble us much. Verses: I.42, I.43, I.44, I.45, I.46