Lean Into Curiosity

Episode 024: What's Not Working with Katagyna Shalhoub



This conversation with Katagyna Shalhoub gives us permission to follow our own inner guidance.  She shares her journey through extensive education to discovering a creative side that brings her happiness beyond anything science ever could.  After earning her Master’s Degree in Ocean Engineering from MIT (yeah, whoa) to then continue on to receive her PhD with a high distinction in Marine Optics (yeah, whoa again), she looked around and realized she wanted to be using the ocean as a creative outlet - not a science experiment.  She encourages us to look at what isn’t working and to reverse engineer the parts of our life we want to improve.    TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Traveling is progressive and through travel you get closer to who you’re truly mean to be. Our emotions are a great barometer for what we love to do and where we should be going, we just try to out-think ourselves from our emotions. Challenges are like a race with hurdles, you overcome one, then there’s another one. Distraction is parts of you