Polish With John For Advanced

A021 Językowa podróż w czasie



Languages were not invented one day by a group of specialists. They evolved with time from one or a few mother tongues of humanity. Let me take you for a short journey in time and talk about language history. In this episode, you will listen to a short fragment of a very old Polish text in its original pronunciation! Enjoy!Check out the full transcript of this episode, vocabulary, grammar and other resources on my blog! https://wp.me/p4D8ou-ZtIf you like my podcast, support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ioannesoculusMusic used in the podcast:"Sing Swing Bada Bing" Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions; source: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music (attribution not required)"Polish with John dla zaawansowanych" is a podcast for people learning Polish. It's aimed to help you achieve your language goals and improve your listening comprehension skills."Polish with John dla zaawansowanych" jest podcastem dla uczących się polskiego. Jego celem jest pomóc w osiąganiu celów językowych oraz podnieść umiej