Millennial Manhood

#058 - James Hackney: Millennial Motivation Podcast



James is the owner of the Millennial Motivation Podcast with the aim of stopping Millennials dying at the age of 25 to be buried 50 years later ripping up the standard blueprint of life. After over-coming a challenging 8-month period in his life, James helps Millennials to overcome everyday challenges getting them unstuck, build out the foundations of their success and to see the power of your mind-set. Allowing to Millennials work towards their dreams and wealth through the power of their habit and routines. James offers, as well, a free 30 minute coaching call/habit review at   Follow James: IG: @millennialmotivationpodcast TW: @millennialmoti2 Follow Jovica:  IG: @asap_jovi  FB:  LI:  As always feel free to contact us with constructive criticism, compliments, or ideas at: