Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

The Boze Noze Show



Today @ 4:00 pm Pacific the Boze Noze will be a replay of my interview of Bill Lundun of the Wake Up Call on KPNW 1120AM radio fame. Hear how Bill ended up in the radio and news business and other tidbits about being a local news reporter. My Commissioners duties are taking me to D R Johnson's mill in Riddle today to look a their cross laminated timber press and Salem tomorrow to work on AOC's positions for the upcoming cap and trade legislation, so that is sure to generate some discussion for newt week. I will be back next week with a live show. The Boze Noze Show is live at 4:00 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. You can listen to the show online ( just click the noze below) or on your phone by calling 646-721-9887. Just press "1" if you want to join in the conversation. If you can't make the live show and you have a question or comment for Jay Bozievich, send him an e-mail at NOW also broadcasting thru Facebook Live on the KRBN Internet News Talk Radio page! You can find previous shows easily