Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

The Boze Noze Show



So the Oregon House of Representatives just passed HB 2004 that interferes with a landlords ability to evict tenants and allows local governments to enact rent control. I think this is a phenomally bad bill that will have the opposite effect of the problem the bill is supposed to solve. Instead of helping with affordable housing it will stop any new rental housing stock from being built while the demand for housing is increasing with population. Welcome to The Boze Noze Show where every week you have an opportunity to directly speak with West Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozievich. How do I listen to the show you ask? Very easy… Online at or call the listener line at 646-721-9887 and if you wish to speak with Jay, simply press "1." What happens after I press "1"? Good question. Jay's producer, Robin, will welcome you to the show and take your first name and place you into the call queue to let Jay know that he has a caller. There you go… Simple easy! All shows are archived and available t