Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

The Boze Noze Show



It's the pre-Thanksgiving day show on he Boze Noze Show with your host Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozievich. It has been an interesting year without a doubt, the controversy over the President-elect and Alexander Hamilton and the vice President-elect? Alexander Hamilton? What is that have to do with anything? Well, apparently a lot, and we will be talking about that on this week show. But in the meantime, let's not forget what this time year is really about and that is to take pause, step back and give thanks for the little things that we should be thankful about. I have a lot on my list this year and I invite you to give us a call and share. Give us a call 4 PM Pacific time Wednesday, November 23rd at the listener line 646-721-9887 and when you're ready to join the conversation, simply press "1". If you've never called a talkshow before, this is an excellent forum to do so. By the way, you can listen to the program online at KRBN and if you missed the show, all shows are archived and av